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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dont you all think friendship is like war? Humans need good frenz n buddy they are like allies in war, then betrayer is like a mole in ur camp that tell the person who dislike you thy are like backstAbber in fren ship isit right? Rival is someone who we dun like right? Next in friendship is u see someone who cares for you caring for someone who u dislike in war is like seeing ur princess caring for ur enemy right ? Thn u feel kind of angry n sad in war we will destroy wat the enemy has.  
If I have a gun now wif one bullet I would shoot u down I dunno you do to let tis girl care for u so much I felt this jealous feeling in my heart it crash my mood.. U jux dun give me the face to make me stop calling you jiao bin to me you r jux one gangster a guy who you think people around u are vey nice? U dun disever me calling ur name alright why would someone care for you so much yet you say Tis person dun care About you? ReAlly there is no right I should call ur name...this person is so nice and cheerful such a caring person and yet you say tis? I only got 2 words for you la xia suey. U duno hw cherish tis person who is so nice? I cherish this person alot okAy I dun wish to see her hais or sighing okay I would find sth to cheer tis person up u shall wake up la okay dun xia suey la ur jiao bin is enough okay... I get so fed up is because of u when ever I see you... Xia suey

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Every children n teenager hAve their own thoughts in their minds but adults won't noe what we r thinking uh.. Parents thinks tat tis is gd thn they will do tat for their son or daughter but did they ask what the child wants?? Somehow I understand alot of things from my family I can say my family is nt v gd. Still remember when i was young I had a very hAppy family. But now things become worse not every family is rich Okay? So people who are rich should not act infront of people thats average in income or even the ones who can't afford things tat they wAn they should show them respect also okay they are humans too have feeling. Sometimes parents are not always wrong we teenage people should understand our parents too not only our parents should understand how we feel When u began to understand how hard is to work n pay for ur sch fees n everything you use. I understand parents maybe very naggy but should listen abit of what they saying.
I miss chatting wif you I saw u online 2x but before I talk to you u offline well it's okay I will wait for you to online and chat agn

- life maybe hard but must learn to be strong stAnd up from where u fall-

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011

HAis today did nt turn like wat I wanted to be Jie Jie filled wif homework n mama did not chat wif mi tonite :( hais.. Tmr nt a gd day... Gonna stay till 1.45...wanted to go bp thn end so late... 私は、あなたがミスママの声nを欠場 :( hw I wish everyday was like ytd :( あなたのママを愛して nites swt dreams

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I get it! Shall stoP confusing my self wake up now. Haha mama say she wAnna meet me on June xD hehe requested to eat takoyaki xD I noe my fonngy Jie Jie like oso xD haha juz realize around me alot ppl like takoyaki eh!!! Ooo cant wait to meet mama n eat takoyaki tgt !! Today I guess I m quite happy :) gt koh , fonngy n mama pei me chat today :)

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Monday, March 21, 2011

Wat to say? I guess I slowly like tis person mre n mre deep. She Is a v nice person should I do it or nt. My eyes are closing.. I
SleePy. I like tis person mre n mre .. What should I do? B by her side n share prob wif her chat keep her accomPany? I can't hlp u in ur work eh kinda useless rights. Hw I wish I can hlp.. I like u alot..

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Asked my self m I wrong to like tis person now? Really we cant control who we wanna like uh love is a v werid thing right? I like someone who always be by my side to listen to all my prob and chat wif me when ever I m bored what can I do now somehow I m afraid of something I dun wan might happen.. I like Tis person for quite sometime Already liking someone is not wrong uh...what should I do? May I have some advice?..

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Its Has All Change~ All Feel So Different.M I Know Which Person Will Cherish Me? I Only Know My Gan Jie Always Be By My Side. She Is So Nice But I M Afraid That She Will Ignore Me One Day ): She Said She Wont She Still My Best Jiee Jiee~

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.