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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

hmmm why u make me feel so worried abt u. u are the only one that i use to say most of the things. u noe me very well. idk why u become like this D: Feel sad for u. wish that u are living happily. U Not Gonna Use Your Phone any more and comp?... Well If really i call ur phone for months and u nvr pick up. i really gonna call ur house.. idc how ur mom think la i oso not ur bf. i m jux ur bestie and erzi. i tot tat u are not gonna be like this. Mummi3 Jy. Er Zi Trust u. I M Always Here For you hope U Contact Me

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Friday, July 9, 2010

Blahx Blahx Blahx. Heres Another Week Past, Time Really gonna go so fast? cannt when we having fun just slow down abit more? So We Could Cherish Those Time We Have? I m just saying whats on my mind, Oh yea claraa My GAN MEI MEI~ Happy Birthday Sry No Gifts This Year. For Some Reason Cant get U Gifts D: HOPE I GET MY FREEDOM ASAP D: If Not Cannt Buy Gifts For Frenz. Try Alright Nxt year? =D Buy U Something Uh. Thinking Somethings Really I Feel No One Is Reading Haha. Maybe Bz UH Them. Hope Mich Still Rmb This Blog. I WILL WRITE ALL I THINK IN MY HEART But Some Privacy Uh! Mich Michh Called U Today Left A Miss Call Feel So Happy When At 1st Hear ur Voice So I Smile But I Dont Know Wat To Say I Just Wanna Hear Your Voice Its Been Kinda Long We Nvr Chat. When I Said Hello I Tot You Gonna Say Something? But U Did Not Notice tat We Haven Chat For Kinda Long. Songs Tat I Got Feel In It U Will Hear Me Play N Play The Song. But Just Some Songs Can Make Me Miss The Past. Any MMV Nice INtro Songs Tell me. I Really Cant Sleep Just Too MUCH. I Totally Let It Go Le But This Song Name Lettin Go Make Me Remind Of U And Those Past?. Oh. Jacinda Long Time We Nvr Meet Le. U Ask Me Hows Life? Not Reali That Good Now Adays. I m Alone Now.. No 1 Talk To Me. SomeTimes I Wish I Can Go Back To Time. Mich Hope U Will Read. Leave A Command If u Read It. I End Here. Mich, Claraa Mei `N' Gans Ty For Being With Me =D Just Like My Bestie~

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hmm School Reopen Le. I m gonna say this I m lettin go~ Hope U Gonna Be Happy. Still Your Guardian Angel And Ur Erzi. Now, it seems that u are not replying me msg nor at msn. I Just Wonder.. Why U Not Talking To Me?. You Change Already. Idk isit good or bad. Yeah Right. Maybe U Might No Longer Remember Me. Well.. Hope You Will Read This Uh.. When See This Blog Hope U Understand. Family Probs Here.. How I Wish U Were Like The Past... Can Be My Ears.. Yeah... Maybe Thats The Old U I Miss... Maybe Whats On My Mind Is Not True... If I Can I Wan The Old U.. Maybe I Just Too Dumb.. Nvr Notice Anything.. But What I Promise U And What u said To Me I m Nvr Gonna Forget It.. Alot Of Things Happen Now Adays.. Hope U Were There... Lent Me Your Ears.. Things Change... I Wish U Wont Forget Me.. Ur Last Call To Me is.. on...28/06/2010... Hmm Change Le.. Not Like The Past AnyMore? Hmm... Should I Change too?... Nvr Gonna Forget..

- Too Late -

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.