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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Hmm happens to feel like blogging today. It seems like I have feeling for this person eh :/ isit wrong ? I think she juz treat me too good I have been thinking these days m I wrong? But we can't control who we like.. Everytime I see her I will smile, she give me a feeling that claim me down. She always been the for me but... I believe it's hard to find someone like this. My only true fren which I was fated to meet her twice in my life. I think I m just too afraid to say? I know who she like well... maybe I Only got 2 choice ether give up or wait left 1 year I m afraid we won't meet anymore.. We will be Walking different paths I really wish I won't lost contact wif u...

- we can't control who we like , give it a shot or wait we Got 2 ways-

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Thursday, September 22, 2011

its been so long ever since i blog?. well.. lots of things happen i dunno which to start with. Frens Began To Walk In A Little Group N Speak Abt The Person They Dislike in my class. sometimes dont u think is very irritating to hear these? 1 by 1 my frens met the one who they like well~ i admit i feel so lonely when i see them happy laa~ happy for them too~ i m just wondering wheres mine? When is my turn? =/ Sigh~ I Guess I Only Have 1 True Fren i believe. Thats My God Sis.. She Always Be Around For Me. Soo I Hope I Will Do Well For My EOY Good bye i will blog soon hopefully

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Feel so vexed after reading ur blog because there will be questions In my mind I wanna noe what has really happen... But I know u won't tell me what fully happens... I dun wanna ask you but I wan to noe what happen m I jux too caring.. Isit wrong? Or m I jux being too busybody? I always ask u sth when ever after I read ur blog... But u won't let mi know anything... Who is the he r you talking about? Can I know anything I feel so heartache when I see u pose some unhappy things.. Wats this? Should I ask you or don't? 

           -Somethings Wont Change Untill You Do Something About It-

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hey All~ Feel So Bored Now ~ What To Do ~ Its 1.40 am here hmm.. what should i blog? okay lets say about to holidays then.. well i getting fatter :X i nid to run~ if not go for cca cannt run anymore ~ now adays did`t sleep well~ thinking about game game game i noe its holiday doesn`t mean u dun nidda study :/ but i m a lazy guy. tats the fact i dun study for exam nor test kinda fail uh :X hais thinking of what my teacher have said touched :/ she is not a very mean teacher like what she said okay~ kinda awesome hmm~ how i wish i have recorded that part. Sooo yeah its time to plan my future
no more dreaming already eh next year prepare for N lvl~ Yeah I think after my Holidays I gonna buck up !!! Cause i dun have much time to waste! I Noe I Noe Normal Tech Student Always Say From The Start but Dun Do At All~ I M Trying :/ Bahh~ Lets Stop Talking About School~ Hmm believe Some Of You Have Read What I Said On My Last Post Eh. Really Arh envy people Who Are In Such A Sweet R/S now. :/ Love Starts With Sweet But Ended Wif Pain How I Wish I Can Ask God When Would I Get Into A R/S ? Everyone Will Fall No Matter How Strong They Are Stay Strong N Someone Will Be There For You :) Alright I Shall End Here~! Kinda Long Post! Tata :) buh bye~!
- I Will Be There For You For Life -

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sometimes I find girls very ke Lian eh.. From a happy person become sad jux because of relationship.. Even though I m a guy im speaking the truth alright. Why does some guys would have more then one girlfriend ? What do they treat them as? Spare ones? And why they wan to flirt wif girls when they already have a girlfriend Tate what I mean by jerk alright! Not all guys are like this but sometimes the girl who are being hurt in the pass won't accept another guy who is really serious abt love ? Because they are afraid of being hurt again rite ? How you treat ur girlfriend next time there will be someone treating u bck okay I myself dun have a girlfriend alright but why I can understand? If I can understand why those who are in relationship won't understand ? HAIS this world is strange eh? I wish I will have someone to cherish me uh ~

                    Tis was written on 12.30 26may                                      

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Sunday, May 22, 2011

Hais. Sometimes I really wish to noe wht happen to tis person why she post this. So at least I know what happen I know it's useless even if I ask then she dont say it's pointless still.. So I at least I know how they feel now. Well I really who the heck let my Jie down eh.. Which stupid fool =.= but really she is so nice n kind.. I wish I would noe what happen.. Hais I wish I can read what's on their mind..

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Hmmm abt fongy agn uh. She brought me Present siaa oh my I gonna get I on Tmr :) hehe but she say she gt sth to show me uh kept me waiting >.< what isit man garhh!!! Idk why I feel so in a hurry to see >.< haiyo! Going insane already !!!

Smiles Cover The Sad Face That Is In Our Heart.